Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Preparing My Thanks

Thanksgiving eve. It's muddy outside. I wonder if the Pilgrims had to deal with mud on their fancy buckled shoes. And, did they really eat outside with the Indians? If it was anything like today, they were all freezing, especially the Europeans, who wore those capri-like pants and fluffy shirts. How warm could that have been?

Since I don't much cook, I've been assigned to bring a pie for Thanksgiving dinner. It'll be a big hit, I'm sure, since I ordered it from a proven pie place; First Slice. Pumpkin cheesecake sort of thing.

I am thankful, but had to force myself to think a little about it. I've got an incredible circle of friends and family, two relatively healthy parents who are still married to each other and enjoying each other, seven super siblings, numerous nieces and nephews (none in jail or on the lamb),a sweet and loving partner, a roof over my head, a sweet dog, a nice stereo and a collection of great music, and enough smarts to know that I WILL get a good job soon and my life will continue to be just swell.

So, thank you -- whoever it is that's at the helm here and whatever power or force is making the world turn, the waters flow and the sun shine. Thank you for all that I am and all that I am yet to be.

Thank you.

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